Make Yourself At Home with a MERIX Mortgage
Whether you’re shopping for a new mortgage, refinancing or looking to switch your current mortgage, MERIX Financial has a solution to fit your specific need. Canadian owned, MERIX Financial specializes in residential mortgages, servicing mortgages across Canada. MERIX Financial prides itself on exceptional customer service, investing in technology, product development and people in order to provide the best possible customer experience.
Haven’t heard of MERIX before? This video will help you understand why
At MERIX Financial, our customized mortgage solutions are designed to help you achieve your goals.
“I like the fact that MERIX Financial is a very progressive company and I sense that MERIX Financial is constantly making positive
changes and improvements in every aspect of their service and their relationship with their customers”
Our MERIX Approved Mortgage Brokers, which includes Irene Strong, can provide you with qualified, expert financial advice and help you with:
- Mortgage pre-approvals
- Purchasing a home
- Refinancing a home
- Competitive interest and payment options Purchasing a rental Products to help you renovate your home.
- Options for your existing mortgage
Learn more about MERIX Financial through our website
Submitted by:
Andrew Howard Director, Business Development Merix Financial