IMPORTANT NOTICE: Property Taxes & Home Owners Grant Due July 2, 2019


The deadline for property taxes and to claim your Home Owner Grant (HOG) without penalty is July 2, 2019.

You may want to double check if you or your lender are paying your property taxes. If it is you, ensure you have your payment in by July 2, 2019, to avoid penalties. If your lender is paying on your behalf, especially if you are in a new mortgage, you may want to call them directly to ensure they have the correct details for making the tax payment on your behalf. If they don’t have the proper details, it can delay payment and trigger penalties.

July 2, 2019, is also the deadline to claim your Home Owner Grant (HOG). Regardless if you are paying or your lender is paying your property taxes, you are responsible for claiming your HOG. For most municipalities, this can be claimed online in less than two minutes. Google your city/township + home owner grant and a link should be available. You will need your 2019 Property Tax Notice for the FOLIO NUMBER and ACCESS CODE to process your claim.

If you have questions feel free to contact me, or reach out to your municipality or lender to verify the required information.

Irene Strong